Carnagie Deli
Sunday, January 04, 2009We Cure, Smoke and Pickle our own-that says it all. The aroma of cured deli meats and sour pickles is a dizzying rush. you pass the counter full of meats and smoke fish salads. Salamis hangs like a curtain over the counter adding their garlicky perfume to the air. The Carnegie Deli is best know for immense sandwiches. Blake Ordered a mellow not too zesty, utterly tender, fatty savoring, ridiculously large- so tall that the top piece of rye bread appears to be merely and afterthought applied to the tower of Corn Beef meat sandwich.
My cousin recommended that we try Katz Deli on the Lower East Side. I checked online and their prices are a lot better and they even have a grilled cheese for me. I think we'll try there next I know Blake's defiantly up to it!
I've wanted to try Katz's for some time now. I hear nothing but good things about it! If you try it before we do, you'll have to let us know how it is.